Independent hearing and audiology services for children and adults

Northern Beaches Audiology is an independent provider of hearing services. This means that it is not financially tied to a hearing aid manufacturer in any way.

We are committed to providing unbiased advice

The company is overseen by an ear, nose and throat specialist, also with no financial ties to any individual hearing aid company. Employees receive no commission for hearing aid sales.

Our dedicated audiology and medical team



Otolaryngology Specialist (Ear, Nose and Throat)

We abide by the ethics outlined in the Code of Conduct of Audiology Australia. You can read the code here. ​

Our Comprehensive hearing services

Hearing Tests

Learn about the different types of hearing tests and their purpose

Hearing Aids

Read about different hearing aids and accessories

Ear Plugs

Ear plugs for swimming, musicians, sleep and noise reduction

We offer comprehensive management of all ear problems

Feel free to contact the clinic to arrange a full diagnostic hearing assessment with one of our audiologists. 

Office opening hours are between 8:30am to 4:30pm
Please call to make an appointment.